Where will the money go!? The people in the room are ready to make a wise choice about where they donate. Those that struggle to define where our group’s financial donation will go (should they be voted as the award recipient) will find they struggle to get those checks written at all. We’re not talking about detailed financial statements here, but rather a strong description of what the funds will be supporting. It could be general operating budget to help grow a new local organization; it could be for materials to distribute as a part of the program’s work. Taking the time to find out where the money will go pays off in the long run and will give you the confidence to stand up and make your pitch to the group.

And most of all, remember that you are here because of  the great work your organization is doing! 100 Men Who Give a Damn is looking forward to hearing from you, so be sure to enjoy the time and have some fun.  Good luck.

*AV system will be available.  Please send us any slides you may be using 48 hours in advance of the event date to ensure accessibility.